| Kim Ghattas & J.J. Gould

‘The regime is dead’

What’s happening in Iran—and what are the implications across the Middle East? Kim Ghattas on the long-term prospects for autocratic rule and democratic resistance.
11 minute read
| J.J. Gould & Miranda Patrucić

Inside men

What do Russia’s oligarchs have to do with the war in Ukraine? Miranda Patrucić on the global consequences of grand corruption.
11 minute read
| Marcos Buscaglia & J.J. Gould

Follow your money

Why is so much “socially responsible” investment going to autocratic countries? Marcos Buscaglia on one of the financial world’s big blind spots.
10 minute read
| Steven Feldstein & J.J. Gould

The other AI

How are authoritarians using artificial intelligence for political repression? Steven Feldstein on the global spread of anti-democratic applications.
11 minute read
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