| Bill Scher & Graham Vyse


How much has American political life changed since the end of the Trump era? Bill Scher on U.S. public policy and political culture after two years of Democratic governance.
12 minute read
| Michael Bluhm & Lucan Way

A New Ice Age

Is war in Ukraine splitting the world into two camps again? Lucan Way on the emerging competition for global supremacy.
12 minute read
| Aynne Kokas & Eric Pfeiffer

The Chamber

What’s really going on at Twitter—and why does it matter? Aynne Kokas on free speech, good governance, and the vast problem of data insecurity on social platforms.
8 minute read
| Alec Ash & Michael Bluhm

Viral Effects

What just happened with the mass street protests in China? Alec Ash on the causes and consequences of an unprecedented show of popular anger at the communist state.
9 minute read
| Michael Bluhm & Chris Miller

Electronic Arms Race

Why is the U.S. banning semiconductor-chip exports to China? Chris Miller on Washington’s new strategy to protect its military advantage and hobble Beijing’s.
9 minute read
| A.B. Stoddard & Graham Vyse

‘No Man’s Land’

What’s happening to the U.S. Republican Party? A.B. Stoddard on signs of change, their ambiguous direction, and the resilience of populism on the American right.
11 minute read
| Sarath K. Ganji & Eve Valentine

Game Within the Game

What’s driven Qatar’s extravagant spending for this year’s World Cup? Sarath K. Ganji on a powerful strategy for global influence and the subtle tactics of “sportswashing.”
13 minute read
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